February 13, 2009

The Man in Connecticut says: Raw Milk, Bad.


We’ve posted on raw milk before. I’ve tasted it—seemed yummy, and I know it’s healthier, though probably harder to regulate and keep safe…factors that’s put it in the news again:

“This fight over the sale of raw milk is much larger than whether to pasteurize or not. It’s about encouraging the small farmers who produce our food. It’s also about young people such as Melynda Naples, the 26-year-old entrepreneur who operates DeerfieldFarm, a raw milk dairy in the rolling hills of Durham.

I visited Naples shortly after 7 one recent morning, where she was shoveling manure, cleaning teats and udders and making sure her 15 Jerseys were clean and properly milked. That was before she was off to deliver the milk to a handful of local stores that sell it.

In the middle of all these McMansions and lives disconnected from the land, we’ve got Naples, a working mother of two creating a food product that local people consume. State officials, however, have asked the legislature to ban the sale of raw milk in stores in response to health concerns…


Read the rest, here or here.

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