July 27, 2009

Let’s Change Our Foolish Ways. [Jane Goodall Vid.]


I’m sitting here typing with my one month old nephew in my lap, his twin brother wide eyed on a blanket next to us. My nephews are making me think. And I can’t help but feel a sense of urgency about life.

There is so much to do!! Sometimes I have moments of regret, rage, sadness or worry. What kind of world are these precious souls going to inherit? What have we left them to deal with because of our ignorance?!

I would think that anyone with a child would spring into swift action, see all the areas of life that need to shift, and suddenly start making changes- for the sake of their own children atleast. But alas, it ain’t that swift. And I sit here pondering my life, and how to act with the quickness…..

Jane Goodall, one of my biggest heroes, understands this urgency and is a womyn on a mish.

This video about primate communication and itelligence also describes her global acts of change through RootsandShoots.org. Children are the future. Let’s empower them to act and live solutions.

Jane Goodall on what separates us from the apes.

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