August 12, 2009

Pee in the Shower?

Uck. This is where I get off the green bandwagon. It may be green to wear the same clothes every day for a week, but I ain’t doin’ it. It may be green never to shower, while yer at it. It may be green not to be alive, but I’m goin’ on living.

If you got a 12 gallon toilet, then get a lowflow or dual flush toilet, and you’ll save water on number two, two. Or, maybe I’m wrong. These happy chil’un seem to think so:

With thanks for the tip to Skippetty.

Via Huff Post:

RIO DE JANEIRO — New TV ads are encouraging Brazilians to save water – by urinating in the shower.

Brazilian environmental group SOS Mata Atlantica says the campaign, running on several television stations, uses humor to persuade people to reduce flushes.

The group says if a household avoids one flush a day, it can save up to 4,380 liters (1,157 gallons) of water annually.

SOS spokeswoman Adriana Kfouri said Tuesday that the ad is “a way to be playful about a serious subject.”

The spot features cartoon drawings of people from all walks of life – a trapeze artist, a basketball player, even an alien – urinating in the shower.

Narrated by children’s voices, the ad ends with: “Pee in the shower! Save the Atlantic rainforest!”

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