August 12, 2009

Wrong Way by Leah Tatom (New Version). Please, don’t Drink & Drive.

The Drunk Driving Song

We all think we can do it, but the judgement we’re using is numbed by alcohol. So many accidents, every year—it’s a murder that can strike anyone, out of the blue. Use a cab. Take someone’s keys.

I remember a few years ago my buddy Dave literally took my keys from me, and gave me his guest room. He was forceful, and not at all shy about it. “I only got four blocks to go, buddy,” I pleaded like an idiot (I had more like 10 blocks to go). That was the last time I ever tried to drink and drive. ~ ed.


On June 28th four teenagers were killed and one was severely wounded by a drunk driver in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In response, one of their friends, Leah Tatom, wrote the song “Wrong Way” and I have made a video for it. This may one day be a hit song as it is incredible. Any help with promoting this video or song would be appreciated! Please forward to as many people as possible. If we can get this song released all proceeds will benefit anti-drunk driving charities and a memorial for the teens. Enjoy!

Eros Salvatore
More info on the teens can be found at
A musical tribute to four teens who were killed by a drunk driver in Santa Fe New Mexico on June 28th, 2009.
The song was written by their friend Leah Tatom. The photographs are from the Santa Fe New Mexican and The Santa Fe Reproter.
Lyrics: Crash Some laid sobbing in the grass
Some leaned against trees
Arms wrapped around their kness
And wept into their own chests Oh, what a mess.
Driving down the highway
He kept coming the wrong way
And crash, collision, five lives taken.
Hundreds not knowing what to do. We miss you.
Lets put a stop to this please
And just live our lives at ease
Put a rose on the mantel
And just keep lighting them candles
Too many lives taken It couldve been you
Why them? Why them?
They were so true.
Lets put a stop to this please
And just live our lives at ease
Put a rose on the mantel
And just keep lighting them candles
I love you Essa Love you Rose
Kate and Alyssa, We sure gonna miss ya.
Put a stop to this please
And just live our lives at ease
Put a rose on the mantel
And just keep lighting them candles
Put a rose on the mantel
And just keep lighting them candles.


This one’s a little…jarring:

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