September 23, 2009

Colorado Daily gets hot tip from @elephantjournal on twitter, makes Mall Crawl cover story, fails to credit.

New Media is Old-Fashioned; has manners.

When we write an article inspired by a story on other papers or blogs, we do things like link, and say “with thanks for the tip to such-and-such.” New media is so old-fashioned that way: we have manners.

When the Colorado Daily, yesterday, was tipped off the the rebirth of Boulder infamous, rowdy Halloween Mall Crawl by this here post of ours, they emailed us, we took the time to call back and talk with them, give ’em the numbers of the superstar instigators Jonathan and Ryan, good gents both…they then published the story without any thanks or attribution.

We were genuinely happy they made it a story: it should be a great time and a fun event, that we’ll all work to keep safe and manageable this year.

But where’s the love? Why no acknowledgement of our role in breaking the story, thanks to Jonathan and Ryan, the co-troublemakers?

Moral of the story: Colorado Daily is Mean? Doesn’t play nice? We’re gonna stop playing ball with them on future stories? Or the writer was busy, on a deadline, and just didn’t get to it, and it’s water under the bridge? We’ll go with the latter, this time.

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