September 1, 2009

5 Days only: elephantjournal.com deal: $100 off Yoga Journal Conference, Estes Park, pass it on!

Elephant Journal has been honored to cover the Yoga Journal Conferences for years. As a friend of Elephant Journal, we want to pass on an incredible offer to you, our reader, to save $100 off the Main Weekend Conference for 5 days Only!Register by THIS Saturday, September 5th to take advantage of Early Bird Pricing ($50 off), PLUS save $50 with our exclusive discount code EP31 at checkout.

Yoga Journal Conferences are an amazing opportunity to practice, study and mingle with the best teachers in the world in an awe-inspiring natural environment.

Don’t miss this opportunity, register now atwww.yjevents.com/ep09 or pass this offer onto a friend.

Estes Park is my favorite yoga conference on
planet earth.

See you there!


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