September 13, 2009

Twitter is doing what Facebook did to Myspace did to Friendster.

One of the funniest (truly *lol bits I’ve read, *folks*, in a long time. For those of you who use social media, blog, or just like trawling eHarmony for dates…read on. ~ ed.


In the past few weeks, we’ve seen Facebook present staggeringly innovative ideas.

Facebook Lite.

That’s where Facebook is stripped down to just a tiny core set of features.

Mostly centered around status updates.

Kind of like Twitter.

Tagging Your Friends In Status Updates.

That’s where you can tag people in your status updates.

Mentions, if you will.

Kind of like Twitter.

So in reality, this is like a full-out violation of Twitter’s private parts.

But Facebook still needs to go the extra mile.  Don’t stop there.

Here’s 5 ways Facebook can go full-out.

1. Get The Celebrities…

…read the rest at Tremendous News, a stellah blog out of some parents’ basement.

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