September 9, 2009

elephantjournal.com approved event: Shambhala Sun Urban Retreat w/Sylvia Boorstein, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Zoketsu Norman Fischer

Wisdom for Difficult Times: What the Buddhists Teach

What: A Shambhala Sun Urban Retreat with Sylvia Boorstein, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, and Zoketsu Norman Fischer
When: October 2-4, 2009
Where: Hotel Kabuki, San Francisco

We can’t always control what happens to us in life, but we can change how we react. For 2500 years, the Buddha’s teachings have helped people work with their thoughts and emotions during times of groundlessness, fear, or loss.

Many Americans have already discovered how Buddhist wisdom and practice can help them work with personal challenges and loss. Now we can apply these teachings to what we’re all experiencing as society goes through difficult times.

Whether you’re new to Buddhism or a long-time practitioner, join Sylvia Boorstein, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, and Zoketsu Norman Fischer – three great teachers from three major Buddhist traditions – for a weekend of Buddhist wisdom and meditation aimed at all the challenges of life today.

Through talks, meditation practice, and question and answer sessions, these three leading Buddhist teachers will offer help to anyone who is looking for insight and practical techniques to help them get through these difficult times.

For more information visit the Shambhala Sun website.

To register for the retreat, visit peopleware.net, or call: 415-575-6175

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