October 8, 2009

Ageless Body, Timeless BS. Grow Younger, Live Longer?! 10 Steps to Reverse Aging…and Waste Your Life.

New Age Bullshit? Or Spiritual Materialism?

Nostrums, Remedies, Snake Oil and other New Age Quackery!

Personally, I look forward to being old and wrinkly.

Why would a wise man like Dr. Deepak Chopra feed into our society’s unhealthy obsession with staving off death, into a multi-billion dollar industry devoted to looking (and, these days, acting) young forever?

Hint: it won’t work. Love your aging self. It takes practice. Thinning hair. Sagging breasts. Crow’s feet. If Dr. Chopra, or anyone who’s ever lived (and died) knew how to “reverse aging,” well, they would be more famous than God Herself.

Perhaps Dr. Chopra should stick to what he’s good at: teaching inner peace and happiness—which is the only way I’ve ever known any old timers to look young (thinking of you, Robert Spellman and Joan Anderson).

There’s better stuff to do with our short, “precious human birth” (as they call it in the Buddhist tradition) than obsess in the mirror, get some useless botox injections or spend a small fortune on fancy eyecreams.

Or expert photoshoppers for your book covers.

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