March 26, 2010

New Belgium no longer “Micro”; takes Green Beer big-time.

New Belgium goes Big-time: no Longer “just” a Local Brew.

I drank New Belgium when.

I knew New Belgium when they were just an upstart green-minded wind-powered bike-loving local microbrew.

Last week, I was in a shi-shi bar in Venice, California, and their Fat Tire was behind the bar. In fact, this Rocky Mountain brew was all over Lalaland.

And now I notice they’ve taken another back cover of Rolling Stone. Gorgeous, cool, detailed arty ad.

While it’s hard not to feel jealous—what they spent on that back cover would pay for elephant to grow to 2 million unique visitors this year, with zero other advertisers, to focus on editorial and growing the good word beyond our core or choire…well, I’ll spend my last few bucks on a Ranger beer, and, in a (brief) good warm fuzzy mood, I’ll toast ’em.

Here’s to you, NB: I knew you when.


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