August 27, 2010

What’s your reaction?

Double Zero All the Way!

What’s your take on the marketing of our elephriend Tara Stiles’ book by Women’s Health? Feel free to skip my two cents, below, and offer your unbiased view in the comments section below.

Click here to see the whole marketing piece.

Mine’s mixed.

> Yoga for the masses? Good.

> Slim? Okay. It’s a better word than “skinny,” certainly, in a culture obsessed with dieting, losing weight, losing those extra five pounds. We are an increasingly, frighteningly obsese nation, so fitness is a good thing—and Tara is the queen of making yoga accessible.

Yoga is a great way to stay in shape. Yoga offers a path toward learning to love one’s body—or at least accept it, and stop going to war with it every time we look in the mirror or see our reflection in a window or consider whether we want to help ourselves to seconds.

> “From eight to double zero,” the featured pull out quote? Humph.

> Also, not sure “15 minutes a day” is sufficient for the various enthusiastic claims.

Overall, I do looove the idea of yoga made accessible and un-intimidating for the masses, so I’ll just stay with that happy thought:

Yoga for the masses good. Yoga for the masses good.


Obesity rankings, state by state:

Click the map to see the progression, year by year (Colorado, where I live, is one of only two states with obesity (far worse than “fat”) below 20% of the population. That said, only 20 years ago, Colorado’s current rate of obesity would have made us the most obese in the USA. That’s shockingly dramatic change in just 20 years.

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