September 23, 2010

The Mindful Garden.

The Garden

Look out of any window
any morning, any evening, any day
Maybe the sun is shining
birds are winging or
rain is falling from a heavy sky –

Alex perked one ear but kept both eyes shut as the words filled the room. An arm reached over to push the off button on the radio alarm. “Come on, Alex. Let’s go to the garden!” And, we were off.

A means to get somewhere...pedal power!

“If anything is the Right Action today, coming out to the garden with you surely is!” Alex liked the tone of those words. “Let’s take a look around and see how the plants are coming along.”

Tasty, ripe cherry tomatoes

We both looked across at some perfect, red, ripe cherry tomatoes. “These are just right! Let’s grab a few and put them aside for the dinner tonight.”

Worm Poo

“Look at that. Someone’s left a gift for the plants.” A bottle labelled “Worm Poo” was lying by the tool tower in the corner of the garden. Looks like someone has the right idea. Organic fertilizer makes plants happy.

These peppers will add heat to your meal

We walked up to a pepper bush. “Careful there, Alex – those pack a punch.” My master picked a few peppers. He added them to his bag. “These will spice up our dinner, won’t they, Alex?”

Brilliant coastal sunset

We both looked up and noticed a brilliant sunset. “Hey Alex – it’s time to go.” And, we were off…

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