January 15, 2011

Bean Sprout Freshness!

When one is rising, standing, walking, doing something, stopping, one should constantly concentrate one’s mind on the act and the doing of it, not on one’s relation to the act, or its character or value. . . . One should simply practice concentration of the mind on the act itself.
– Ashvaghosha

Bean sprouts are some of the healthiest and tastiest treats you can eat, and you can make them yourself. It’s easy! Just get yourself some dry beans. Mung beans work great. Here’s the drill: find a good container, like a nice bowl with a lid. Take into account that the beans will grow to several times their size. Then, just rinse the beans in a colander and put them in the bowl. Add a little water. Cover the bowl and put it someplace you won’t forget.

Keep an eye on the beans. They’ll probably begin to sprout in 2-3 days. The trick is to rinse them every day. Just dump them into the colander and then add a little fresh water. Remember, the water gets absorbed into the sprouts, so use fresh water.

In a few days, the beans will begin to sprout. I enjoyed them with hummus, tomatoes, greens and basil, and drizzled with some olive oil this week.

The beans are so cheap and keep practically forever in a dry, airtight container. This is something you can make even when it’s cold outside. It’s especially nice to make these fresh treats when it’s too cold for gardening.

So, while you’re stretching, practicing yoga, meditating, or just being healthy and active, why not round it off with some delicious fuel for the body.

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