January 13, 2011

Why We Should Stop Talking About The Shooting. ~ Kevin Hotaling

Photo by  southtyrolean

Violent Rhetoric Isn’t to Blame.

The media melee surrounding the Giffords shooting would indicate that there has been a significant increase in political violence that is threatening us all. In reality, this event—while utterly reprehensible—seems to be fairly typical, and begs the question of whether our rhetoric really matters. Is all the finger pointing simply political opportunism? Media hype?

In the following video I explore how our combative rhetoric might matter in a way that’s different than others would have you believe:

I agree that we need to reform our rhetoric. But real reform will only come from a more compassionate populous that demands more compassionate policy. May this tragedy remind us of the tragic violence perpetrated in our names, and may it unite us in renewed vigor to bring the troops home, end the drug war and seek out truly non-violent leaders.

Kevin Hotaling is a freelance web design and marketing consultant from Boulder, CO. He ran for Boulder City Council in 2009 and spends all too much of his free time promoting Liberty in America.

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