February 21, 2011

How to Keep your Prostate Healthy.

Rockstar / Yoga fanman Adam Levine of Maroon 5 gets sexy for prostate & testicular cancer prevention.

It’s heartwarming to see the avid response to my recent post about prostate cancer. No idea why so popular.

How to Keep your Prostate Healthy: Click here.

For more: Adam Levine Does Yoga! Should We Care?

Update: via Yogadork, he does yoga. Video.


Don’t worry, nothing’s actually showing—his model girlfriend lent a hand.

Photos: British Cosmo.

Hands:Adam’s girlfriend, model and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue star Anne Vyalitsyna:




For more: Who Cares if Adam Levine Does Yoga?

Below interview of Adam Levine via Blisstree, Yogadork and, originally, Women’s Health:

Did it change how you work out?
I had been lifting weights for years. After our first yoga session, I vowed never to lift another weight again.

Do you believe in the mind-body connection?
I was skeptical, to say the least. I was wary of the cliche´s associated with yoga: spirituality used as a marketing tool or Eastern philosophy sold at Starbucks to disenchanted lawyers and accountants looking for meaning. What I soon realized is that yoga welcomes everyone—that’s extremely appealing.

How do you maintain your practice on tour?
Being a traveler, yoga is by far the most convenient way to exercise while I’m on the road. You don’t need anything but a few feet of space and a mat. And I can always find at least an hour a day to practice. 

(Levine made videos with his teacher to take on the road with him.)

What is your advice to people who think they are too inflexible to do yoga?
Start simple. Yoga will drastically improve you in every way imaginable. But let’s face it, I only practice yoga because the classes are always packed with beautiful women. (I am totally kidding.)


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