May 24, 2011

How to Kiss.

How to kiss a girl in 1911. (i.imgur.com)

Update: Kissing is more important than SEX in making sure a relationship lasts longer (spring.org.uk)

“…you need kissing, badly. That’s what’s wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.” ~ Rhett Butler.

Inspired by the viewing of Rhett and Scarlett in Gone with the Wind for the first time in eons, in Virginia, where I’m visiting with my Aunt Liz and Grandma Carol.

What’s your advice? Offer a few words, general or practical, below in comments.

Mine’s easy: be present. It’s a dance. It’s the melding or touching of two minds (not that I’ve had any practice, of late). It’s heaven.

Here’s some more expert advice, by elephant’s resident “loveologist,” Wendy Strgar.

And here’s 10 or so videos from Youtube, which I picked quickly based on popularity, and few ’cause they seemed classic. Frankly, I’m taking my own advice, and sticking with “no technique.” So, a little further advice: as I have, don’t watch any of the below. Unless you’re a teenager, in which case a little study might do you good.

This first is a new bonus via reader comments, at bottom: We are Augustine.


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