August 17, 2011

Boulder Improv Collaborative to perform at the Fringe Festival.

The Boulder Improv Collaborative (BIC) will present “The Improv Sampler: A Theatrical Adventure
into the Unknown,” an on-stage showcase of improvisational comedy as part of the seventh annual
Boulder International Fringe Festival, August 17 through 28, 2011. The Improv Sampler plays August 20th
and then 23rd – 27th at the Dairy Center for the Arts.

There was a time when plays had scripts. That time is OVER! For six nights at the Boulder Fringe
Festival, seven improvisers from the Boulder Improv Collaborative will be performing a mix of short
and long form comedy improvisation that will leave viewers with a perma-smile. The performers will be
venturing onto the stage with no script and no prefabricated characters, creating stories from only a
suggestion from the audience. And who is this brilliant, interactive audience, you ask? You! Come see us!

How Much: $11 in advance, $13 at the door
Advance tickets are available through the Boulder Fringe Website at www.BoulderFringe.com. Tickets are
also available at the door.

Rebecca Bradford
[email protected]

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