December 6, 2011

AT&T hearts Newt Gingrich. And by love, I mean money. {Credo}

I don’t normally pass along these kinds of emails, but when I do…Credo is one of those companies I respect, and the below represents an eloquent, succinct summation of why Newt’s rise in the GOP polls…gives me pause.



It would be an understatement to say that Newt Gingrich is a demagogue.

He lacks compassion for the less fortunate among us. He’s proposed cutting off aid to single mothers and sending their children to orphanages. Last month, he called child labor laws “truly stupid” and said poor children should earn money cleaning bathrooms.

He’s downright Machiavellian. He blasted Democrats for taking money from mortgage giant Freddie Mac — while he was paid $25,000 a month by the same company. He castigated then-President Clinton for his affair with a White House intern while he himself was having an extra marital affair with a Congressional staffer.

And his lack of ethics is no secret. His colleagues in the House of Representatives voted 395-28 to fine him $300,000 for ethics violations and for lying to them — the first time in history the House disciplined its own Speaker for ethical wrongdoing.

But that public disgrace — in January 1997 — did not stop AT&T from donating money to help re-elect Gingrich in 1998. Add to that AT&T’s track record of giving cash to the Republican presidential nominee in the 2000, 2004 and 2008 elections — and not donating a dime to the Democratic nominee.

All of which begs the question: If Newt Gingrich is the Republican nominee in 2012, will AT&T pump cash into his campaign coffers?

CREDO abhors — and fights against — unethical, right wing extremists like Gingrich with an activist network 2.3 million strong. And we’ve raised more than $70 million for progressive nonprofits like Mercy Corps, Planned Parenthood and the Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

So make the switch: Join CREDO Mobile, America’s only progressive phone company.

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