December 2, 2011

Bikram sues Yoga to the People.

^ Click for full lawsuit. Can Yoga be owned? Sign the petition, here, if you say no.

Yoga from the Bikram, Yoga to the People.

Bikram sues Yoga to the People, which is copying Bikram and charging far less—bad business! But yoga, of course, isn’t just a business.

Scumbag Bikram? Not so fast.

It’s on the cover of the NY Times, right now.

Clearly, Yoga to the People has borrowed/stolen/adapted a great deal of Bikram’s sequencing and teachings.

From a strictly business point of view, Bikram has a case. Yoga to the People‘s founder was close with Bikram (“For almost five years, I worked with Bikram was often a guest in his home and he in mine”), studied with him, and essentially teaches Bikram’s sequencing and messaging in a hot environment…at a far lower price. Similar, you could say, to cheap fake fashion knock-offs.

But, yoga lineage is not analogous to the fashion industry, nor Capitalism. And so…

From a You’re-a-Great-Yoga-Teacher-but-still-a-Miserable-Unhappy-Human-Being point of view, greedy Bikram should probably go take some classes at Yoga to the People:

^ Note the copyright symbol. Painful / Delicious Irony, anyone? ~ ed.


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