December 31, 2011

New Moon ~ Olga F’gold

Ryan Weidert

Over and over again I keep hearing the same “5 most powerful words of your life”: If not now, then when?

Of course these words strike chords inside our hearts. Deep down we all know we’re going to die, we all know that bills, yoga, clothes, and cars don’t bring us satisfaction. So what then?

You can overwhelm your life with quotes about how to “live like you were dying”… okay… then… I’d sell it all and earn lots of debt jumping out of planes, mountains, cliffs, you get the picture.

That’s just not ‘realistic’. At the end of the day I don’t want to have to answer the stalker lady whose miserable job it is to stalk me, hang up on me, and harass me for money she knows she’ll never receive.

Two weeks ago, my Universe (my emotional heart soul) was blown away with the power of the full moon. I’m not an open astro-freak… still a tiny bit of a closet doubter. However, when you know something in your core, you know it. The power of the last full has me realizing that the Universe is about to bring something sweet my direction.

I can’t help but imagine that with the revelation of the New Year approaching, our last new moon on our horizon, and the power of the winter solstice passing there may be some extra Magic laying around this Christmas.

Well, turns out. There is. As any spiritual guru can tell you Winter is the spiritual time to reflect; to become introspective about your life. It’s the time for “resolutions” and changes.

“When a New Moon occurs, New and Full Moon Influences it’s the time to begin new projects, initiate contracts, make important phones calls, write up a proposal and do anything that requires a starting point… The effects of a New Moon are shown in outward changes whereas the effects of a Full Moon are more emotional and directed inward.”

Yes, its an obvious time to make those materialistic New Year’s Resolutions: lose weight, play guitar, save money, volunteer more, travel, call Mom more often, etc, etc, etc.

How about your life situation? How about your life story? What would you change about those? What about your spiritual goals?

While the longest night has passed and the darkest night is nearby…

Now is an incredibly powerful time to manifest those dreams. Dream big. The Universe is listening.



Olga is a traveling vagabond goddess currently trapped living a full time job lifestyle in Boston. She keeps her soul smilin’ with her dedicated yoga practice, running away to the wilderness in her free time, and practicing gratitude. She loves finding things to climb, people to hug, and harnessing her inner domesticated side.
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