June 22, 2012

“Long Time Sun.” A sweet song to celebrate solstice.

There are times in life that come along, and though brief, they leave a profound mark. This was one of those times.

It’s just over a year ago now that I got to experience this. And there is not a day that goes by where I don’t think about it or my time in Indonesia in some way.

I was doing a little creepin’ on facebook this morning and saw one of my yoga peeps had mentioned this song, “Long Time Sun.”

This was a song that was played during savasana from time to time during my yoga teacher training in Bali. So I Googled it and now have it on repeat.

There are days when my heart yearns to be back in the rice paddies surrounded by the greenest of greens and the sweet sounds that filled our space.

If I close my eyes and am just still enough, sometimes I can actually feel and smell the pulse in the air. This song helps to bring me back.



May the Long Time Sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light
within you
Guide your way on
Guide your way on


Editor: Brianna Bemel


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