July 22, 2012

“You Donate, We Dance.” ~ Rock the Osa

45 hours non-stop dancing for donation—and counting!

With four days left to raise $13,000 on Indiegogo, iSeeiTravel founders have transformed into dancing rainforest animal. They refuse to stop until their campaign to protect the Osa Rainforest, Costa Rica is fully funded.

The best part: You can watch the whole thing, live stream on Rock the Osa.


Every time 2.5%, their documentary film about conscious travel in the Osa, receives a contribution, the animals boogie.

Their motto is simple, “You Donate, We Dance.”

For $5, you too could get a shout out and mamba from Eytan the Sea Turtle and Marco the Macaw. All the while, helping protect the region that National Geographic recently named “the most biologically intense place on earth.”


Editor: Kate Bartolotta

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