Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis: coming soon to a laptop near you.
I just interviewed Ram Dass, this afternoon, via Skype. I’m happy to report that he’s cheerful, in good health, grounded in his wisdom and kindness, and gave us 45 minutes of his time. The video will be up shortly on our Facebook Page for Walk the Talk Show.
Just interviewed a sweet, fun, warm elderly gentleman with a laugh younger than a child’s. #walkthetalkshow
To see the full photo, and others: @waylonlewis on instagram.
Walk the Talk Show with…yours truly, has always grown fast and then…well, four years ago, we took our magazine online, and I only conducted a few dozen interviews over the next four years, instead of eight a week. I’ve hosted Michael Pollan, Sakyong Mipham, Dr. Weil, Seane Corn, Deepak Chopra, Bill McKibben, politicians, Alice Walker, Arianna Huffington & hundreds of others.
And we’re coming back. We’re currently looking at NYC, SF, LA and Boulder locations, sponsors and staff. Most importantly, our videos will be online. If you want to see them, join our Facebook Page: Walk the Talk Show, and you’ll be the first to know when a new one’s gone live.
If you know of a good venue for us, a skilled producer or videographer, are interested in sponsoring or appearing on the show, let us know. Be sure to put “talk show” in the subject bar.
Our old trailer, pre-going-online:
We Are Elephant, and this is elevision… from Alex King on Vimeo.
A recent video from our biweekly series last year in Boulder:
And a recent, off-the-cuff video, on the road, at the Yoga Journal conference in Estes Park, Colorado:
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