October 20, 2012

On Fire! I Got a Basketball Jones. ~ Ryan Leier

Source via Swift Savings Plan via Pinterest

I played in the second annual Pop vs. Jock charity basketball game for kids, in Montreal.

Last year I was (coach) ZZTop for the first half, then (player) Ryan Leier in the second half…and I spent most of my time on the bench!

The highlight and key to victory may (wink, wink!) have been the ZZtop yoga session pre-game ritual:

(check out Lisa, Matt Bonner and Win Butler…namaste!)

We won by six and everyone was happy! This year there was no yoga…but more basketball and more drama.

Our team featured some badass girls from FSU (who played overseas in Iceland), Luke Bonner, Nikolai Fraiture from The Strokes, Win and Will, as well as the funny man, Martin Starr. Our coach, David Byrne, didn’t say much, until the halftime show.

The game featured the sweetest halftime kid’s show with Regine (Teen Wolf) and Kid Koala, along with some lions and elephants!

Next was David Byrne, Nickolai from the Strokes, Regine and Win and Will Butler, throwing down at the halftime show! (I can now tell Kiyah that I performed with David B. and Arcade Fire…my big line was: Uh huh uh huh!)

When the game resumed, it was a battle, as Regine and Kid Koala spun, until there was only seconds remaining…and here is what happened:

After the excitement, a dude came down, hit a three for them and we lost…but, we learned we are still golden!


Ryan Leier brings his unique energy to every class he teaches. Whether in his own One Yoga studios or as an ambassador of yoga to communities around the world, his expression of this ancient, yet vital tradition, consistently touches people’s hearts. Drawing profound inspiration from the birth of his daughter, Kiyah, Ryan set out to bring yogic teachings to children and created Vinyasa Yoga for Youth, an innovative non-profit organization designed to meet the physical, mental and spiritual needs of youth. He is scheduled to travel to Pune and study at master BKS Iyengar’s Institute.



Editor: Bryonie Wise

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