October 15, 2012

Running Out of Butter: A Symptom of FWP. {Video}

I can hardly speak about it.


Yearning for my usual cinnamon raisin toast, I went to find the butter. It was nowhere to be found. Someone had used the last of it and neglected to inform me. The sound of my grinding teeth echoed through the kitchen.

Had I known about this dire butter situation, I would have done something about it. But for this particular round of toast—something I look forward to every day—there was no hope. I had to have some fruit instead to satisfy my body’s cry for carbs.

Apparently I have FWP—First World Problems.

You may suffer from it, too. It strikes when you least expect it. Find out more in the video below.

If you suffer from FWP, please share your story here.

All kidding aside, here are some things you can do once you’ve recovered (or even while you’re suffering) from FWP:

Doing one or more of the above may actually cure FWP, if only temporarily. But if you continue to be of benefit, even once a day, FWP is likely to go into remission.

Now if  you’ll excuse me, I have to go buy some butter.

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