November 30, 2012

Congrats, Palestine. ~ Jonathan McKeever

Congrats to Palestine for being officially recognized as a state.

Though I am just an individual, I want to add my sentiment to this chorus of nations and say that a prosperous, free, independent Palestine is the best avenue (possibly the only avenue) toward real, lasting stability in the region and security for Israel and its Arab neighbors.

Certain people don’t seem to want peace or stability, however—ahem, Likud—and choose instead a medieval attempt at ethnic elimination that anyone who has ever studied history can tell you, categorically, does not work.

As an American, I am ashamed at Rice’s comments today on the matter.

Anyway, back to my original point: congrats, Palestine.

Jonathan McKeever is a father, tinkerer, aspiring spymaster and game designer who fronts as a digital marketing professional. He lives in the San Francisco Bay area and spends his spare time trying to find communities that understand his nonsense and trying to get his “nerve sheaths” stretched out enough that he can do a downward facing dog. Do nerve sheathes really even exist? This is just one of the great questions that drive him.

…Or whatever. Basically he works as a Digital Marketing Consultant on the West Coast and in his spare time he designs and play “urban games” in San Francisco. He’s amazing and one of elephant’s favorite human beings.

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