November 11, 2012

Help Put Kids on Bikes! {Video}

I wanna get more kids on bikes and you can help!

I’m a travel videographer and absolutely love my job. I’ve shared exotic stories from many corners of the globe and will continue to do so for the rest of my life…it’s what makes me feel alive!

My videos have been part of many online voting contests and I’m at it again—however, instead of taking the prize for myself, I’m pledging $1000 to Community Cycles, if I win.

That money will put 40 kids on bikes at their annual Holiday Bike Giveaway.

Here’s the deal: this summer I traveled around Europe for 60 days with a company called Viator, shooting everything beautiful and magical possible. Our culminating video is up against another team that filmed in North America (against my good buddy Jules actually).

Our video is simple, heartfelt and I know it’ll put a smile on your face!

This is where you come in: I need you to vote everyday, until November 27th.

It’s easy money and will really help Community Cycles—follow this link and vote for Ryan and Asha…it only takes a second but can only be accessed through Facebook!



Editor: Bryonie Wise

Like elephant bicycle on Facebook.


Source: etsy.com via Emily on Pinterest

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