March 3, 2013

The Guatemala Shake. {Video}

This is what you get when you put together a group of goofy Gringos and Guatemalans.

I recently found myself in the beautiful country of Guatemala right in the middle of one of the biggest internet phenomenons in recent time, Harlem Shake mania. I was there filming a promotional documentary for Cooperative for Education, a non-profit committed to improving the lives of young people through education.

On this particular day, we had traveled into the mountains to a tiny school in an indigenous town called Xalama. It’s a beautiful place for kids to learn, on top of a hill overlooking and ring of volcanoes and incredible Lago Atitlan.

After our official business, it was time to scramble the kids together and see if we could pull off our little stunt. Getting everyone organized was a bit of a trick as the kids here hadn’t heard about the dance, there is no internet here—I simply told the enthusiastic bunch to ‘bailar como locos’ (dance like crazy people).

The video has now gone semi-viral, nearing 30,000 views; most of the comments are in Spanish from proud Guatemalans.

This is my favorite:

I only have one thing to say. Thank you, thank you for doing so lovely act, that kids, that people, all of them need you more than you even think. I’m sure that every Guatemalan person who see this, is going to smile like I’m smiling right now. Thanks dude!

Y nosotros guatemaltecos aprendamos de este buen hombre con buen corazón y demostremos que nosotros también somos capaces de tales cosas y muchas más.

For a world full of peace! Por un mundo lleno de paz!”


I love the whole Harlem Shake craze—it’s simple, it’s goofy and it makes people smile…we need more of this!

Viva Guatemala!



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Ed: Bryonie Wise


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