April 24, 2013

Deep Calls unto Deep. {Poem} ~ Anita Brown

Found peace on my board
That sacred space meant to carry both ego and spirit
Surfing a life well-lived
Just might prove that our humanity is not
The opposite of our divinity but the manifestation of it!

Sensing we all might just be royalty after-all
Confident in my mission
In my uniqueness
And yours
Like a drop of water in the ocean
I am at once an individual
And yet complete and integrated with the whole

I am one with the rolling deep
Because deep calls unto deep you know
And the mystery that is profoundly curling in on itself is
Undulating out a rhythm in a cadence called Life

Surrender to it
And savor
The ultimate in revelatory freedom


Anita is a content mother of two teenagers and wife of 20 years, both of which she is grateful for every day. She began writing poetry in the fall of 2012 after a mini-breakdown cracked open her heart and allowed this newly found gift to shine through. Many months later, she is realizing the truth in the saying that ‘breakdown equals spiritual awakening’ as she is pleasantly shocked at how much more peace she has in her spirit and how that is reflected in her life.  Anita loves yoga, dancing, traveling, cooking, walking her golden Sierra, and quiet evenings at home. She especially enjoys teaching meditation to under-served communities and listening to others as they express the same joy at the transformation occurring from such simple but regular practice.


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  • Assistant Ed: Lacy Rae Ramunno
  • Ed: Brianna Bemel
  • (photo source: provided by Anita Brown)
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