July 16, 2013

Best of Yoga Philosophy for the Week.

Hi, everyone.

As many of you know, I tried my best to retire (again) last year.  But then this new project came up that I just couldn’t resist:

a virtual magazine and forum devoted to Yoga philosophy.

Every day I select the best Yoga philosophy articles on the Internet and post the links to Pinterest, facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.  You read the articles that interest you, and join in the discussions, if so moved.

Waylon saw what I was doing and generously invited me to post all my recommendations on elephant, and I’m happy to take him up on his offer.   Below are my choices for this week.

Please help spread the word through friends and social media.  Thank you for your interest and support.



Beginner’s Mind, or Why I Got My Guitar Out Again After All These Years.
Jess Hicks ~ Jul 15, 2013
Love this article. –Bob W.


Treating Trauma with Yoga.
Nicki Mosley ~ July 12, 2013
“Why not invite a person fragmented by trauma into a system of practice
which is defined as ‘union’ to support their process re-integrating their fragments?”


Yoga Wisdom at Work: Finding Sanity off the Mat & on the Job.
Marlena Rich {Book Review} ~ Jul 11, 2013
Good review. See my comment at the end. –Bob W.


Discussion of the Week:

In Praise of American Yoga
Carol Horton ~ July 11, 2013
“Of course, it’s tempting to pit “commercial” versus “authentic” yoga
(or whatever) to dramatize a valid critique. Yet setting up such
hard-and-fast categories carries a cost…”


Practical Magic
Martha Beck ~ July 11, 2013
This is why I have a section called “Related Articles & Sites” on Best of Yoga Philosophy
–so I can post great “not-Yoga-per-se” articles like this one! –Bob W.


Love Potion: How Yoga Blew Open My Imperfect Heart.
Jeannine Ouelletteon ~ Jul 11, 2013
“The love between us was always there—I knew that—but practicing yoga
brought it to the surface in a way that made me cry again and again.
I began to understand that wonderful need not be perfect…”


“my spine is mostly metal now, but I have never felt so human…”
Robert Sturman ~ July 10, 2013
This moved me this morning –Bob W.


Classic Article from the Past:

 My Art As My Yoga.
Katarina Silva ~ Feb 25, 2011
“And that’s when it happened. I let my heartache become my yoga practice:
the very experience that reconnects me with my deepest core, my most confident self,
the me that always feels loved, my own divine nature, inner bliss!”


Are You a Yoga Slacker?
Hally Marlino ~ July 9, 2013
I think I need to recite this again out loud just to
enjoy the ebullient rhythms of your writing. I don’t
usually post yoga class articles to Best of Yoga Philosophy,
but this is an exception! Thanks. –Bob W.


Can the Truth Come Back With a Capital “T”?
Deepak Chopra, M.D., Menas C. Kafatos, Ph.D.,
P. Murali Doraiswamy, MBBS, and Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D.
July 9, 2013
Though not labeled Yoga Philosophy per se, this is so close to the
thinking of the ancient yoga sages, that I consider it a “must read”.
What do you think?  –Bob W.


Ashtanga as a Path to Shamanism.
David Garrigues ~ Jul 8, 2013
“What do you care about with nearly insane passion?
What do you want to give to the world? What do you want to leave
behind you when you leave this world?”

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