July 25, 2013

SNL does YOLO!

YOLO—the battle cry of a generation—reminds us to take risks, live every day full throttle, check off that bucket list, party hard!

SNL makes fun of this carpe diem gone frat boy mentality:

But the fact is, either way, life is precious. We could die any day—the most powerful thing we can do with our life is to live a life of love and service, both.

The highest calling: service to higher cause, greater good. Happiness isn’t about us, only, it’s about helping make this world a better brighter funnier place–there’s so much suffering. I’m sure you do this, wonderfully, too. Don’t undersell your service.

Half the world is obsessed with self-happiness, which is making all of us less happy. Live a life of joy—and serve as an example of both self-happiness and serving others.

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