October 20, 2013

The Weed Fairy.

It’s high time to lessen our carbon footprint.

We make wallets out of duct tape, welcome mats out of flip flops. Hats, belts and purses out of cans, bottles, plastic, paper—and these aren’t the only things being recycled these days.

In Brooklyn, the Weed Fairy anonymously places a note saying,  “These are tough times, take this weed and keep your spirits high,” with a little baggie of weed attached to the note.

The weed, she told Huffington Post was going to waste—sitting in a drawer since she doesn’t use it anymore—and understanding that so many do use weed, she thought she’d offer it up in small amounts for whoever may find or need it.

She never leaves a lot, only a little nugget, and some have come looking in appreciation of the Weed Fairy.

Many may see this as a compassionate act, others might view it as promoting drug use; all I can say, no judgment. It takes all kinds, many paths to complete a whole.

It also makes me think of the words in that famous song  by Joe Cocker, “I get high with a little help from my friends.”

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Ed: Sara Crolick

{Source: via John on Pinterest}

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