November 21, 2013

This Will Most Certainly Make You Cry. {Video}

3 Queens from Matt Bieler on Vimeo.

Relephant reads:

The Good Mother.

50 Things Moms Need to Do for Themselves.

Why Have Children.


I am fortunate because the work that I do as a career allows me to be a stay-at-home mom.

This position of “Mom” comes before all the other hats I wear: writer, psychic (yes—really), coach, meditation instructor, wife, friend.

My hours have the very flexible ability to vary and I can work around all the goings on of my family.

My husband likes to refer to me as the “House Manager.”

This is a confusing title because there are days where no one seems to want to be “managed.” My stay-at-home-ness swirls into a hurricane of activity and then looking back upon the 12 hours in which I was awake to the world I start to wonder what the h-e-double hockey sticks I did all day.

I may even question this aloud as I open the laundry door and remember the piles that haunt my dreams or the dishes that were overlooked since breakfast.

Just when I was at my breaking point of pre-holiday cracking I found the answer to where the time goes in video form.

A portrayal of the day-in-the-life of a mother. I cried and you might too if you know of any mother figure (or are one yourself) who might live this career above all of her other careers.

Thank you Matt Beiler for doing an amazing job portraying 3 Queens.


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Ed: Bryonie Wise


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