December 15, 2013

Santa, Jesus & Racism. {Colbert}

Apparently, there’s absolutely no way Santa and/or Jesus weren’t white guys.

Let me explain.

Last week, Slate contributor Aisha Harris wrote: “Santa Claus should not be a white man any more. Isn’t it time our image of Santa better serve all the children he delights each Christmas?”

To this, Megyn Kelly of Fox news said:

“Yet another person claiming it’s racist to have a white Santa. You know… And, by the way for all you kids watching from home, Santa just is white.”

And Megyn had to bring Jesus into the discussion. Jesus, who (of course) was another white guy (a verifiable fact, no less).

Here’s Stephen Colbert’s hilarious spin on the matter:

Turns out, Aisha was suggesting Santa be a penguin. Oh my. How racist of her!


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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

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