December 18, 2013

Sexy & Symbolic Things to Do For Solstice.


When the Sun Stands Still

The sun only reverses direction twice a year. Don’t you think it’s a lovely occasion to celebrate? I do. So I compiled a list of wholesome, fun, precious, sexy, and symbolic things you can do alone or with loved ones on December 21.

From the man I’ve had an intellectual crush on since I was 15:

“The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light.”

~ Joseph Campbell

So with Joseph Campbell’s words in mind, here are my fun, sexy, and creative ideas to bring in new directions, new intentions, new light and darkness, and new friendships:

1. Fry scallops together (make sure you wear an apron or something). This is symbolic of solstice because the scallops look like the sun when you fry them in butter.

2. Plant some seeds indoors. Paperwhite narcissus is an easy bulb to grow. This is symbolic because it is a new beginning that you are creating!

3. Wear all white, throw a couple beers down, and ride bikes around the town (FYI in some towns, you can get a ticket for bike riding drunk).

4. Paint a room in the house a bright, new color.

5. Go dancing with your honey-bunny. Everyone loves music and movement!

6. Make sure you watch the sunset! Make some yummy tea, put it in a thermos, and hike to a high point to watch the sun descend. Watch birds, look for owls, and kiss your lover.

7. Take a super-bubbly bath. Light tea candles, put on some yummy music, and bring some quality chocolate in with you. Just relax and notice how you feel.

8. Meditate. Contemplate what has happened in the past year, and think about some directions or habits you may want to reverse. If the sun is doing it, maybe you should too!

9. Start a bonfire in your yard. Invite some friends over and cook some s’mores and hot dogs. Solstice is an excellent time to be thankful for the friendships you have fostered throughout the years.

10. Go hot springing…preferably in natural, outdoor springs! There is nothing better than being naked under the waning moon, whether you are alone or with a lover or friends.

11. Have breakfast for dinner. We’re reversing things, right?

12. Go to a yoga class, or do your own practice. Our yoga practices can be more meaningful if we practice during significant astrological events or changing seasons.

13. Go skiing. In the name of all that is holy, go skiing. There is nothing better than skiing. Ski into a yurt and watch the light disappear from the hole in the top (see photo above).

14. Smudge your house. I like sage.

15. Paint a picture. Perhaps you could try to paint the sun as you see it during this time of year.

16. Buy some sexy new panties. Or buy your wife, girlfriend, husband, or boyfriend (or yourself, depending on how you are thinking about this) some sexy new panties. Parents, buy your kids some new skivvies. Cheers to new and clean beginnings!

17. Give yourself an enema! Whoosh! A new beginning!

18. Give a gift to your neighbors. Make some biscotti or cookies or just go over and visit with them.

19. Go to a sauna and sweat your face off. If you have access to a sweat lodge, share the experience with others in a sacred way.

20. Have beautiful, crazy, and symbiotic sex. Everyone loves doing this (I think and hope).

I hope everyone has a lovely Solstice. Here’s to a new you, a renewed love for the world, and peace within all your little hearts.

Here’s a song for Solstice:



Editor: Bryonie Wise


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