December 13, 2013

The Secret to Happiness: Gratitude.

One of my habits is to search for things that are inspiring and uplifting for my mood and spirit.

Sometimes these findings come in forms of videos, songs, art, books, scripture, and always the greatest inspiration is right there under my nose, in my own life, found closer to me than anything else.

This video, showing the contributing factors to happiness, reveals that showing our gratitude is even more uplifting than being grateful. It is touching to watch the reactions of others giving and receiving their displays of gratitude.

Thanksgiving is, classically, the time we think about gratitude the most. But as this video shows, anytime is the perfect time to show our gratitude.

I am most grateful for my husband. He stands nearby when I need someone to hear my innermost insecurities without judgment. He cooks wondrous meals for me, always lets me know he loves me, mostly when I least expect it. He keeps me warm on cold Michigan nights, laughs at my silly, corny, jokes, and he believes in me at times when I tend to lose belief in myself. He loves me as I am, at my best, and also at my most vulnerable, and he always supports my creative whims and made sure our new home had, “a room of my own,” because he knows, and honors, my need for sacred alone time.  He also is my best friend whom I greatly admire for his dedication to his daughters, my step daughters, and his capacity for empathy for the world around him is deeply housed in his ever so huge heart. I am profoundly grateful for his presence in my life.

Who are you most grateful for? Letting them know, it’s the perfect Christmas gift. Gratitude is truly the best attitude and now we know, it’s also the secret to knowing true happiness.

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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo & Video: SoulPancake

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