January 16, 2014

Your Grandparents Sing “Call Me Maybe.” {Amazing Video}

Confession: I actually love this song and will play it over and over again when I feel blue.

(And I’m not even a little bit embarrassed about it.)

This version just crossed my often-magical Facebook feed and well—think, heart explosion.

None of my grandparents are alive—otherwise, you better believe my inner choreographer would rise again (the one that used to spend hours making up dance routines for my brother and I) and would insist on making our own video, perhaps not unlike this one.

Residents of Waverley Mansion Nursing Home, thank you for this piece of wonder.

(Need a heart boost? Watch this!)



My other relephant favorites:

“This is what happens when you go on chatroulette in a bikini lip syncing to “Call Me Maybe” (somewhat NSFW).”

This Song’s Joy is viral: Jimmy Fallon, Carly Rae Jepsen & The Roots sing “Call Me Maybe.” (with Classroom Instruments)

You got Cookie, so Share it Maybe.


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