February 11, 2014

3 Simple Detox Drinks. {Recipes} ~ Pratibha Pal

Fresh vegetable juices on wooden table, on green background

It took me a while to find a diet that was right for my body.

One day, I started an inexpensive detox program, but decided to chuck it, and ate a bowl of fruit splashed with fresh cream instead. It made me feel better than the detox program.

After this experience, I learned I did not want to have restrictions about what I could or could not eat. I did not want to deprive myself of the things I love. So, I learned to limit my intake of certain foods, rather than eliminate them completely. I also started to control the quantities of my food intake and ate five small, but filling, meals a day. This kept me happy and feeling good.

I also introduced a lot of detox drinks into my diet. I consumed them with water to flush out the toxins and impurities in my body.

The following three detox drinks are simple to make and are delicious:

CFC drink

I love to start my morning with something warm like this CFC (Cumin, Fennel and Coriander) drink.

You can either make large quantities of this and store it in a flask to sip through the day, or make it fresh each time.

Take a quarter teaspoon of cumin, fennel and coriander seeds (each) and add them to a cup and a half of boiling water. Let it boil for two to three minutes, place a lid on the vessel and let it steep for at least five minutes. Strain the water and drink.

The Mint Cucumber and Lemon Cooler

This one is simple to make and delicious.

Take half a cucumber, wash it, and slice it up. Then, add it to one liter of water. Next, add one whole lemon cut into rings and a handful of fresh mint leaves.

Store this mix in a glass jug only. Let the drink steep overnight and enjoy it throughout the next day. This drink helps flush out impurities from our skin. For another variation, add some basil leaves instead of mint leaves.

Apple Cinnamon Drink

In a little less than one liter of water, add thin slices of one big apple and one big cinnamon stick. Don’t break the cinnamon stick. For a variation, add half a green apple and half a red apple. Then add about 15- 20 cubes of ice and store it in the fridge. Let it steep for 3-4 hours. This is a perfect detox drink for summertime.

The left over apple and cinnamon can be used once more before being replaced.


These are some of the drinks that I totally love! What about you? Do you have a favorite detox drink too?

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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo: Provided by author

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