February 2, 2014

Write for elephant, get paid—maybe. Plus, here’s who won $$$ for January!

sea is my brother kerouac

Editor’s note: all instructions below on how to win money while writing are old new! See more info about our new Ecosystem here and check the sidebar of any of Elephant’s pages or articles to see a current list of winners! 

“Write for elephant journal, get Rich!” Here’s who won last month, + $$$ for February.

elephant is dedicated to sharing the good word re: “the mindful life” beyond the core or choir and to all those who might give a care. We focus on anything that’s good (& fun, or sad if appropriate) for others, our planet, & ourselves.

Is writing akin to breathing? Does the art of putting words together, into sentences, into stories float your boat and expand your brain (and heart)? Keep reading…

Go on…

The Rules:jack kerouac beat

Minimum: four new blogs a month—at least two in the first two weeks, at least two in the second two weeks (no squeaking posts in at the end of the month).

What makes a mindful contribution? Poetry, photos, adventure, green, videos (a great way to, a la Upworthy, share quality with minimal intro—that said, a video plus a quality article, is a consistent winner), family, meditation, Dharma, politics, social good, conscious consumerism, contemplative arts…oh my. You can blog up anything that connects with our mission: to share the mindful life beyond our choir.

Note: if you wish to collect your winnings, you must email your totals (list of articles with view counts) by 12pm MST on the 28th of February at the latest to editorial@elephantjournal dot com. Five minutes late? You get nothing.
THE DEADLINE IS FIRM (yes, it’s CAPS LOCK firm—no joke): No exceptions. If you submit early, we’re cool. If you submit late, we cannot and will not be able to pay you (don’t blow it).




If you miss the deadline, we might pay you, but you won’t be eligible to receive payment again. We’re a business and our accountant wants to pay everyone at once and we need to get these new blogs up the first of each month and Waylon gets to pay an editor who gets to take 12 hours, paid, to total up the totals by the 1st. So:



Elephant (only thanks to our subscribers) paid $5475 [lots; see below] to our consistent writers in January!

Levels for February:

> Casual Contributor level: Free 12-month gift subscription to elephantjournal.com for yourself and a friend if you put up 4 or more a month and total 10,000 readers or more in the month. Already have a subscription? Then you get two gifts.

> $75/month if you put up 5 or more this month (I spend say 10 minutes to 30 minutes on a blog, so that’s in the range of $50/hour) reaching 20,000 readers or more in the month.

> $200/month if you put up at least 6 blogs a month reaching 75,000 readers a month.

> $400/month if you put up at least 7 blogs a month reaching 150,000 readers in the month.

> $800/month if you put up at least 8 or more a month reaching 250,000 readers in the month.

> $1,500/month if you put up at least 9 or more a month reaching 500,000 readers in the month.

> $2,500/month if you put up at least 10 or more a month reaching 1,000,000 readers in the month.


General guidelines:

Good writers deserve to get paid!

First, you have to be >consistent< to “win.”

Secondly, we will not share anything that’s not >quality<, making it difficult for pointlessly sexy (lascivious) or kitteny (cute) posts lacking other merits to win. Thirdly, if your consistent and quality writing is popular, we’ll pay you for your work and I’m happy to be able to do this, based on our growth (elephant’s doing well, growing to 7.5 million, this month).

If you don’t want to get paid, you don’t have to play. Writing for the sake of love and sharing is wonderful.

Writers who are playing cannot share their own posts on Facebook main page, but can on our appropriate focus pages.

Anyone who shares anything like “Help me win so I can make money” will be disqualified: We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who is not writing or sharing in the spirit of our mission. A more mindful approach: “Help support my work on elephant, here’s an article about xxx yyyy” or “Help me, friends, by reading and sharing if so inspired.”

Join the Cause! Send your article to: elephantjournal.com/submit

(Note: editors and volunteers are eligible, but cannot share their own articles on our main Facebook page [you can, however, share the article once per day on appropriate focus pages] if you choose to “play.”


Who won in January? Our hero writers:

Yet again, we paid more than every before. Totals go up each month if we grow each month. This month, we grew to 7.6 million readers a month!

Kimberly Lo

Kimberly Lo: 40 articles; 277, 903 views for a hot damn of $800

Jennifer S. White-1550Jennifer White: 19 articles; 110, 052 views for a damn you’re good of $400

Renee Picard bioRenee Picard: 7 articles; 62, 057 views for a whistle of $200




victoriafeddenbiopicVictoria Fedden: 9 articles; 70, 918 views for a tra la la of $200




Laura KutneyLaura Kutney: 27 articles; 88, 530 views for a hop-skip-and-a-jump of $200




Dana GornallDana Gornall: 10 articles; 64, 004 views for a cha cha of $200




Erica Leibrandt-1553Erica Leibrandt: 30 articles; 259, 128 views for a you-go-girl of $800




Ann NicholsAnn Nichols: 15 articles; 62, 909 views for a high five of $200




Yoli RamazzinaYoli Ramazzina: 10 articles; 32, 693 views for a wow of $75




Francesca BillerFrancesca Biller: 10 articles; 73, 762 views for watusi of $200




Brentan Schellenbach-1600Brentan Schellenbach: 13 articles; 82, 722 views for a you’re a fantastical writer of $200




Marthe-Weyandt-250x3331Marthe Weyandt: 6 articles; 26, 431 views for a hug of $75




Gerry Ellen Avery-1496Gerry Ellen Avery: 15 articles; 31, 845 views for a triple axel of $75




Keith MolyneauxKeith Molyneaux: 20 articles; 153, 247 views for a besos of $400



Anna JorgensenAnna Jorgensen: 6 articles; 34, 350 views for a back flip of $75

Laura Ashworth Author PhotoLaura Ashworth: 8 articles; 101, 676 views for a mwuah of $400

Ben RiggsBen Riggs: 3 articles; 10, 710 views for a casual contributor annual subscription gift

Daniel ScharpenburgDaniel Scharpenburg: 11 articles; 22, 776 views for a deep bow of $75




tammy stoneTammy Stone: 7 articles; 10, 858 views for a casual contributor annual subscription gift




Sara CrolickSara Crolick: 10 articles; 56, 549 views for a heart opening $200




Screen Shot 2014-01-31 at 4.24.10 PMBronwyn Petry: 5 articles; 38, 971 views for a eureka of $75




Michelle Fajkus-1607Michelle Margaret: 22 articles; 103, 771 views for a barely late but great of $400




imageJes Wright: 17 articles; 47, 879 views for a had to wait but great of $75




Lynn ShattuckLynn Shattuck: 5 articles; 19,103 views for a casual contributor annual subscription gift




Edith LazenbyEdith Lazenby: 13 articles; 18, 535 views for a casual contributor annual subscription gift




Heather Grimes-509Heather Grimes: 13 articles; 45, 025 views for a late but amazing writing of $75




Photo: Jenna LyonsJenna Lyons: 19 articles; 39,391 views for a guitar song of $75



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