March 4, 2014

Springtime in Sicily.

Peggy Markel Peggy Markel

I’m not sure why I decided to go to Sicily last spring, exactly.

But part of being a traveler and an adventurer is following inclinations and hunches even when there is no rational explanation.

I hadn’t been there since the spring of 2007. At that time, I thought nothing could trump or drag me away from the refined and remarkable beauty of the Tuscan countryside. But traveling south to Sicily last May took my breath away and reminded me why I first fell in love with this island: everything is potent with an exquisite, wild beauty.

The green fields were translucent in the bright sunlight. Sicily, sun-drenched and warm already at this time of year, was completely cloaked in wildflowers. Wild brushstrokes of red poppies.

Gentle breezes rustled fields of wheat. Stone buildings dotted the landscape and more than a few shepherds were blocking the back roads with sheep, their bells the only noise around for miles.

Sicily during springtime is a tonic, and I’ve come to prefer it to the dry harvest season of Autumn.

The fertile volcanic soil gives a potent mineral content to the local food. Indigenous artichokes explode, wild asparagus bolts along the country lanes and fresh ricotta, sweet with the spring’s new grasses and herbs, practically runs in our veins while we’re there.

This May 17-24, we will explore the gardens of Regaleali and the kitchen of Fabrizia Lanza, walk the silent but alive hills, make seasonal dishes, feast on chocolate from Modica, and keep our eyes, ears and mouths open like little birds to spoon up the sweet bounty that this historical island has to offer.

Feel yourself come to life like a wildflower this May and join us for a lark in the Sicilian introterra.


Con molto affetto,




Peggy Markel

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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo: Peggy Markel

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