March 7, 2014

The Dalai Lama: “This is my favorite Prayer to say every day.”

The Dalai Lama: “This is my favorite Prayer. Daily I pray this it gives me inner strength and enthusiasm to serve sentient being and humanity.”

This is beautiful, and helpful. A daily prayer, dedication of merit or reminder of motivation sets our approach or intention to our every action, streamlining our karma and energy.

Sen. Patrick Leahy Introduces The Dalai Lama to the United States Senate.

Opening Prayer:

WASHINGTON (THURSDAY, March 6, 2014) — Senator Patrick Leahy, the Senate’s President Pro Tempore, TODAY introduced the Dalai Lama on the Floor of the United States Senate as today’s Guest Chaplain, before he offered today’s Senate invocation. Leahy, long a champion of the Tibetan people, has visited often with the Dalai Lama and also introduced him during his address at Middlebury College on Oct. 12, 2012.


Relephant Links: For more:

The Dalai Lama has a Message for You. {13 Quotes to Steer your Life by}

“The Dalai Lama’s views on homosexuality.”


The Dalai Lama on the problem with Religion.

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