June 2, 2014

Oh, Buddhist folk don’t give a shit if you’re Buddhist.

trungpa dharma art buddhism

Buddhism: the “Disorganized Religion.”

Buddhism is the Honey Badger of World Religions, & Genuine Creativity is Inexhaustible.

A friend asked me about writing. This question of burn out, writer’s block, creativity vs. genuine expression…comes up a lot for me, as an editor of a, you know, huge publication.

Also, the question of Buddhism being a religion or a philosophy, a way of life, comes up a lot. It’s neither. It’s a non-theistic religion.

honey badger video

Friend: Do you ever feel exhausted by creativity?

Like it’s a relentless slave driver


I do feel exhausted by meetings, though.

There’s a book I want to give to you/show you about this.


Maya Angelou: ““You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”


Okay, well why don’t you come and write all that graces my brain and I will put on short shorts, a drawl and go to your meetings?

Works for me. Just tuck your lovely long hair up into one of my trucker hats, pull it low.

“Dharma art provides a vehicle to appreciate the nature of things as they are and express it without any struggle or desire to achieve. A work of dharma art brings out the goodness and dignity of the situation it reflects—dignity that comes from the artist’s interest in the details of life and sense of appreciation for experience. Trungpa shows how the principles of dharma art extend to everyday life: any activity can provide an opportunity to relax and open our senses to the phenomenal world.

Looks like there’s a new edition, called “True Perception.”

The first edition, which I have, is called “Dharma Art.”

Beautiful… but can I be honest for a moment? I have a huge religion wall. Whenever someone sends me anything religious, in any which way or form I have to work with all my might to climb over my walls and look at it from a distance. I’d like to hear about Dharma from you and your mouth…maybe it would change.

Oh, Buddhist folk don’t give a shit if you’re Buddhist.

I call it a “disorganized religion”

There’s no god, it’s non-theistic

No one wants your credit card or to dress you in a white turban.

It’s really just about being present (meditation practice), and being of benefit (compassion) with a lot of humor (Vajrayana) and direct powerful insight.

I don’t give a shit if you’re Buddhist. Buddhism isn’t really about Buddhism, anyways, it’s about what I mentioned above.

I meditated today. for a moment.

I sat in the sunshine on a rock [at the] creek point today and shut my eyes and listened to the ocean hitting the rocks and my breath. It only last all of five minutes, but I tried.

Yes, just pausing. Appreciating. I think you probably do that all the time, more than you think. When you fail to fill the space out of nervous speedy fear, that’s meditation.

Okay—you got it. Hit me with your Dharma.

The Dalai Lama, leader of Tibetan Buddhism, says that if Buddhism conflicts with science, we go with science. Buddhism is the Honey Badger of World Religions.

Yeah–so Dharma Art isn’t about converting you to anything. It’s about how to make art an expression of your fearless truth, the present moment, instead of a display of ego.

You got the Honey Badger reference? Honey Badger don’t give a shit.

I like how you explained that. I love that….I do now.



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