July 29, 2014

Precious Moments: Baby Animals with Their Parents. {Adorable Photos}


“The bond between parent and child is chemical, fierce, and inexplicable, even if that parent is a sworn killer. This connection cannot be measured; it at once more subtle and more powerful than science.” ~ Daniel Alarcón, Lost City Radio

A hug and a cuddle
A kiss and a snuggle
A nuzzle, a squeeze
A smile, if you please…

Mama, Papa and Baby Cub
A scratched back, and a belly rub
Hand to hand or paw to paw,
Maybe even claw to claw.

For every creature, big or small
Those with wings, those who crawl
Walking on two legs, or four –
We all have little ones we adore.

Enjoy these moments, while they last!
Our babies grow so very fast,
They stumble and fall; they learn and grow
So much to explore, so many places to go.

With every new, exiting day
These little ones will find their way.
And we will smile, as we recall
Those moments, when they were still small.





http://imgur.com/gallery/HCB9g http://imgur.com/gallery/HCB9g

http://imgur.com/gallery/HCB9g http://imgur.com/gallery/HCB9g




To view all 25 precious moments, click here.


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Editor: Renée Picard

Photos: Imgur

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