July 11, 2014

Waylon Lewis offers Mindful Travel Tips. {video}

Lindsey Block

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis Presents…

Lesson: Go get lost. Be humbled.


Elephant is psyched to be working in partnership with Google+ on our new live video series, which features three live videos a week (that can be watched later, too).

waylon lewis

Some takeaways from Waylon’s trip: 

“If you want to be safe, just be kick-ass.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“Trip Advisor is ruining great places worldwide.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“Lesson: Appreciate where you’re at. Appreciate the fact that it’s a miracle you’re flying above the clouds.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“Put that phone away and experience a thing called life.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“Travel at its best reminds us to be present where we are.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“It’s the goddamn macho hawks f-ing it up for the rest of us.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“The whole world was fake to me until I traveled, like a postcard or a movie…until you are swimming in the whole world, it’s not really real.” ~ Waylon Lewis

waylon lewis @waylonlewis




My first trip abroad. An Instagram Journal: Israel, Sweden, Florence.



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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

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