July 27, 2014

We Are Sand. ~ Jenny Spitzer {Poem}

Sergio Vassio/Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/expose_switch/14385324644/in/photolist-nVaRko-mHufni-nFdyYu-nVbxQG-dUewpQ-uRAd2-5cVaQ2-du1gV8-4zDb5w-dbx76A-bv9Tw6-EHu1p-bvs5ya-5TMc8N-jtnbP-4zyRra-9CePyZ-93c589-e6LpUo-kg3wGk-cAMsTG-n2oupa-cY1b1E-vaxm4-eTbTnD-cHcsf3-k7a3Vs-5Z7BVE-dRAGPv-edsM47-9ywyr1-h6KXhq-5TGMMT-hJsNH-ca4D4m-q2xbL-98iZhq-bLU5yk-acj54L-edn8ZV-kPzU6s-ZuoL2-FExV7-6kP7XQ-nYBLBi-adQRyn-8AxFH-bGudU4-6pBVjV-4A3tnr/

We are sand

We are sand
Molding ourselves
And one another
Into great castles
But we are still, always, just sand. When the wind blows
And the tides come in
we become again
as we always were—
mere particles of the beach.



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Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Sergio Vassio/Flickr

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