August 1, 2014

100 Positive Intentions for Tonglen Meditation & Anytime.

Tonglen Meditation is one of my favorite forms of meditation because it’s easy and fun to do.

On my Facebook page I do something called Tonglen Thursdays where I invite people to engage in the practice, and hopefully provide some helpful tips.

Just as many different religions and philosophies teach the same principles, Tonglen energy is called different things to different cultures. Quantum theory, Law of Attraction, Kybalion, Causality, Pygmalion Effect, Particle Entanglement…all the same thing.

I’m learning more and more about it every day and seeing it everywhere. Here are five (incredibly easy) steps to get started:

  1. Think of someone, anyone, everyone.
  2. Breathe in and imagine taking all the pain and suffering that person might be experiencing into your body and being incinerated in the fires of your love.
  3. Imagine that person at their absolute best, being unreasonably happy and at peace. it doesn’t matter what you imagine here as long as it comes from the best loving place in you and will be beneficial to the person your sending energy to.
  4. Breathe out and send them this energy. (If you are having trouble thinking of some message to send, below are 100 examples to get you started.)
  5. It’s that easy. Try it with your next breath.

May all beings be eternal and boundless.

May all beings be limitless.

May all beings be happy and kind.

May all beings love one another.

May all beings be free.

May all beings be at peace.

May all beings be released from suffering.

May all beings be safe.

May all beings be healthy and wise.

May all beings live in harmony with nature.

May all beings be enlightened.

May all beings be blissful.

May all beings experience unreasonable happiness.

May all beings play together nicely.

May all beings experience a still mind at least once.

May all beings feel loved.

May all beings feel worthwhile.

May all beings be Batman.

May all beings be the person they hope to be.

May all beings have others best intentions in everything they do.

May all beings believe.

May all beings hope.

May all beings know true joy.

May all beings buy one of my books.

May all beings succeed in their New Years Resolutions.

May all beings have unreasonable hope.

May all beings believe in their abilities.

May all beings feel beautiful.

May all beings lighten up a bit.

May all beings laugh a little bit every day.

May all beings be fantastic huggers.

May all beings distribute joy.

May all beings dance.

May all beings not take things so seriously.

May all beings smile at strangers.

May all beings have food and shelter.

May all beings feel like their voice matters.

May all beings not be lonely.

May all beings find the toilet seat in the position they think it should be left in.

May all beings be chivalrous to a fault.

May all beings feel like people notice them.

May all beings speak respectfully especially to those we love.

May all beings be free from addiction.

May all beings have enough.

May all beings never have to fight in a war, especially the wars inside of us.

May all beings love their parents and siblings and be loved in return.

May all beings find something they excel at.

May all beings reach beyond their grasp.

May all beings step outside their comfort zone.

May all beings live passionately every moment.

May all beings love and protect animals.

May all beings care for our children in the way they should be cared for.

May all beings have a secret that makes them smile.

May all beings be a hero and inspiration to someone else.

May all beings never feel the need to carry a gun.

May all beings have good friends.

May all beings be trustworthy.

May all beings know at least one really good joke.

May all beings contribute to making the world a better place.

May all beings never feel the need to hurt another person.

May all beings be able to bench press what they tell people they can bench press.

May all beings feel sexy and desirable.

May all beings love the reflection they see in the mirror.

May all beings realize how small they are in the universe.

May all beings realize how big they are in the universe.

May all beings see a miracle.

May all beings be a miracle.

May all beings never run out of hot water in the shower.

May all beings understand that what makes them awkward is also what makes them unique.

May all beings have headphones that never tangle.

May all beings gain information from within.

May all beings find their path and walk it boldly.

May all beings have health care.

May all beings be able to marry the person they choose.

May all beings express their love and be accepted for it.

May all beings not discriminate or repress in any way.

May all beings know that when I say ‘all beings’ I’m talking about them too.

May all beings give full size candy bars on Halloween.

May all beings know themselves.

May all beings never have the need to stand up for what’s right.

May all beings be courageous.

May all beings never let another person define who they are.

May all beings understand that there will never be another person like you.

May all beings understand that we are not individual waves but part of a larger ocean.

May all beings see how we are all connected in ways we will never understand.

May all beings know that all other beings are fighting a battle we know nothing about.

May all beings not worry unnecessarily.

May all beings be at peace and help others be at peace also.

May all beings do what needs to be done. Right now.

May all beings never provide the bricks someone uses to build walls around themselves .

May all beings stop arguing over the differences in religions and pay attention to what’s the same.

May all beings be spectacularly amazing.

May all beings forgive and let it go.

May all beings understand why ‘myself’ and ‘mystery’ are next to each other in the dictionary.

May all beings leave the cell phone home once in a while.

May all beings be brave enough to stand alone.

May all beings have someone to go home to.

May all beings have people who support them.

May all beings have a secret talent.

May all beings love unconditionally.

Add your own.


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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Wilsan U / Unsplash


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