August 14, 2014

Elephant’s Mindful Back to School Guide.

children school

Photo: “First Day of School vs Second Day of School.” (i.imgur.com)

“I remember when I was real little and I thought, Maybe someday I’ll get to go to school.

And then I went to school.

And the first week, I asked, “How much longer do I have to go to school?” ~ Mike Birbiglia

School is tough. It’s endless. Children can be really mean to one another. Education can educate the joy and relaxation out of life. Parents are harried. Children are hurried.

But it can also be the best times in life. Learning. Community. Memories. Inspiring mentors. Friends.

So…here’s our Top 10 (or 11) Back to School Mindfulness Articles.

(For countless more, join our Facebook community for children and families here).

Parenting Lessons I Learned From a Waldorf Kindergarten.

Mindful Cookbooks for Back to School.

Back to School in Eco-Style.

So, It’s Back to School: Happy Parent’s Day? ~

Five Back-to-School Health Tips Every Parent Must Know.

5 Back to School Tips every Parent must Know.

Back to School Yoga ABCs: Essential Skills for the Backpack.

Parents: Back to School Bliss or Blues? You Choose. ~ Brittney Gaillot

Lessons From Back-to-School: What Everyone Can Learn About Life.

The saddest Calvin & Hobbes cartoon you’ll ever ignore because you have more serious things to do.

How to Meditate: A Talk for Young People by Chögyam Trungpa.

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