August 25, 2014

Synchronicity: for Those Who Have Eyes to See.

Synchronicity definition

“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.”
~ Carl Jung

Today, I thought, I’m going to write about synchronicity. About how, even when people believe it’s only coincidence, there is more to it than that. About how, when we open up to the energy around us, we can pick up more vibes than just the scientifically proven ones.

But the storyline is not yet clear in my head. I just have this word drifting at the surface of my thoughts since a few days ago, without any specific reason. I start by googling the term and find a good definition, which I use as the main image of my article.

Then and there, I get stuck and feel uninspired. I stare at my screen, type half a sentence, delete delete delete and stare at the blank screen again.

I decide to abandon my writing efforts for today and proceed to check my newsfeed on Facebook. Simultaneously, I’m half watching, half listening to the television channel for Dutch and Belgians abroad, broadcasting a news program.

I browse through several Facebook posts, I like this, comment there. And then I see a picture of Waylon Lewis’ bike, accompanied by his cynical comment about how well he locks his back up bike after his previous bike was stolen.

Being Dutch—thus a fan of cynicism and an expert on (locking) bikes— I am thinking of some smart ass comment to leave on this post, about how he can best prevent getting his bike stolen.

As I start typing my comment, my attention is drawn to the news on TV. It’s an item on three Chilean students who have developed the first functional prototype of…

… an unstealable bike.

I freeze, let it all sink in, let it bounce back and can hardly believe what just occurred.

I was waiting for inspiration to write about synchronicity, scratching the depths of my brain to make the words flow and didn’t manage. The moment I stopped struggling, let go and moved on, synchronicity happened, right there in front of my own eyes.

The words start flowing, I finish my comment on Waylon’s page, I finish my article.

I rest my synchronicity case.

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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

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