August 3, 2014

Why It’s Okay to Embrace Solitude. ~ Lauren Stahl

woman alone

Solitude is the state or situation of being alone.

Solitude is powerful. It is where reflection, growth and healing occurs. It is a choice you make.

I used to be terrified of being alone. I didn’t feel I was good enough and being alone equated to loneliness and isolation for me. I think it is important to speak about the distinction between solitude and loneliness. The perception shift is valuable and can get us from a state of isolation and negative thoughts to one of empowerment and stability.

Although these two terms, solitude and loneliness, can often be used interchangeably, there are distinct differences. Think about your life. What thoughts come up for you when you are alone? When you are engaged with yourself? Do you find this difficult?

Here are some ways to embrace solitude today:

1. Meditate

There are many moving parts in our lives that we are constantly trying to juggle. This leads to the desire for more and to living in a constant search. Life is not about a search. It is about embracing the here and now. This is why solitude is vital. It is here that our world slows down. So take some time today and sit with yourself. Close your eyes for five minutes and meditate. Use the mantra, “I am love.”

2. Get your creative energy flowing

It is in solitude that you find yourself. Creativity is something we all have within us, yet it can be easily blocked off by our fears and insecurities. Use your time of solitude to let go of those fears and do the things that truly make you happy. Maybe it’s getting a canvas board and painting or maybe it is having a dance party in your living room. Whatever it is, creativity brings us to the present and connected within.

3. Reflect on your self-awareness

Solitude is where you are alone without being lonely. You are your best company and this is embraced in this state. Notice where your mind goes in these moments. Is it thinking about the future and trying to plan out the weeks or months ahead? Or is it making you feel guilty or shameful about something in the past? Notice the thoughts as they come in and slowly let them go.

4. Take a bath

When you are in a state of solitude there is a peace and serenity that takes over. Take a long bath and embrace yourself. Notice how your body feels and reflect on the joy and gratitude in your life. When your mind wants to wander, bring it back to the way the water feels on your body. Regain your perspective and regain your views on life.

5. Create your own personal sanctuary

Do you feel comfortable in your home? In your room? This is your personal haven and sanctuary. Make it feel like one. Put a meditation altar in your room. Apply some feng shui. Decorate your home with candles. Solitude is where intimacy occurs and where you learn to share your most worthy self. Make sure you can embrace this in the place you call home.


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Apprentice Editor: Jamie Khoo/Editor: Travis May

Photo: Hartwig HKD/Flickr Creative Commons

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