November 20, 2014

Thanksgiving Menu: Corn & Zucchini Mexicana. {Gluten Free, Vegetarian Recipe}


This is an old family favorite of mine. My mom would make this recipe to bring to pretty much every family get-together. And it was never absent from the holiday table.

It’s a simple side dish, but so flavorful and comforting. Perfect for the winter and it is lovely alongside all the Thanksgiving standards. This is my own version of the dish, not quite like mamma makes, but still very tasty.

Here’s what you’ll need to make enough for about eight people to have a portion:

  • 4 medium zucchini, diced
  • 1 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 4 jalapenos, sliced
  • 4 poblano peppers, diced
  • 2 tomatoes, diced
  • 2 cups corn off the cob
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

To make this delicious and spicy side dish, give the minced garlic, the jalapeno and poblano peppers a quick fry in the oil in the bottom of a pan. Fry for just about five minutes until they’re fragrant and the peppers are softened.

Then add the diced zucchini and stir for another five minutes. Add the tomato and the corn and stir just until warmed through.

Now, sprinkle in the shredded cheese and let it melt evenly, stir it into the mix until it becomes creamy. Turn the heat off and cover the pan to let the residual heat melt the cheese. You probably wont need to add any other seasoning or spices because the cheese will provide the saltiness and the jalapenos will make it deliciously spicy.

Just keep it warm and covered until it’s ready to serve.

It makes a wonderful side dish, or you can even eat it like a cheesy chili sauce or dip. Perfect for the holiday family gatherings!


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Author: Kathryn Muyskens

Editor:  Travis May

Photo: Wikimedia Commons


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